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Victorian house with French touch  at Faustine et Pierre's 

The magnificent transformation of a typical San Francisco Victorian house into a modern, colorful residence with an obvious French touch. Faustine and Pierre trusted us to offer them bold, colorful choices, always in line with their story. Take for example this subtle wallpaper at the head of the bed which speaks of the Landes and the transmission of the love of surfing in the family. Or these touches of pink in a Mid Century office to soften and feminize the space. A beautiful and balanced interior design that I am so keen to share with you here. 

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34 Place Charles de Gaulle, bureau 3, Lille 59000

SAS Marion Banfi, société au capital de 5000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S de Lille sous le n° 978269009.

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decoration d'interieur, interior design, interior design in France, interior design in Lille, interior design in english in france, decoratrice ecolo, psychologie des couleurs 

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