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Nous vous proposons des prestations sur mesures, allant du conseil pour vous aider à vous lancer, jusqu'au projet complet, son shopping et son installation jusqu'aux choix des petites cuillères si vous le souhaitez 




Who it’s for

You have an idea of what you want but don’t know where to start. Interested to receive personalized suggestions from a designer (not a robot!). 


What’s included 

90min to 3 hours in-home visit or virtual discussion 

Understand your lifestyle and design needs.  

Narrow down the scope of the project based on preference and budget.

Advice on space planning 

Recommendations on style and mood

We will send you recap of design suggestions and a 3D visualization of your room and explain you all our recommendation during a debrief call.


Price 180 Euros per hour 

* Appointment in perso in Lille Metropole and surrondings. 

Rdv conseil decoration
Rdv conseil couleur


Who it’s for

You need some help defining the style that will make you feel good, and need some guidance to navigate texture, materials, and furniture design.

What’s included  

  • Understand your wishes and tastes.  

  • Analyze your interior, understand what you like/ no more

  • Discussion around different style to narrow down what you like


  • A mood board showing the colors, texture, and furniture style that I recommend

  • A second round to fine-tune it if needed 


Price USD 350. 60 minutes Video Call or appointment at your place* . One consultation = One room 

* Appointment in San Francisco bay area, with extra transportation fees if more than 15 miles from the city.


Design complet
conseil decoration chambre


Who it’s for? 

You want your place to be rethought from A to Z  and not have to worry about anything.  


What’s included

  • Inspiration + Concept Boards

  • Space Planning

  • Sourcing Furniture, Finishes, Fixtures + Furniture

  • Paint Selection

  • Lighting Consultation

  • Textile Selection

  • Gathering + Presenting Samples

  • Purchasing (optional) 

  • Installation + Styling (optional) 

  • Project Management (optional) 

  • Email and Phone Support

  • In Home Meetings

Fees: From USD  2K +



Should you have a lot of ideas for some interior project, or none at all, or should you just wanna chat about Sustainable design, I'll be happy to get in touch!

Home: Contact
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34 Place Charles de Gaulle, bureau 3, Lille 59000

SAS Marion Banfi, société au capital de 5000 euros immatriculée au R.C.S de Lille sous le n° 978269009.

Mentions légales

Le Site est une œuvre protégée. L’intégralité de ses éléments et des droits d’exploitation y afférents, pris individuellement ou dans leur globalité, notamment contenus, marques, logos, dénominations, titres d’ouvrages, noms de collection, graphismes, illustrations, visuels, photographies, vidéos, animations, bases de données, données, extraits d’ouvrages, textes…, quels que soient leurs formats, sont la propriété exclusive de l’Editeur ou de ses cocontractants qui, auquel cas, lui ont conféré un droit d’exploitation exclusif.

decoration d'interieur, interior design, interior design in France, interior design in Lille, interior design in english in france, decoratrice ecolo, psychologie des couleurs 

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